Friday, February 28, 2020

Apple Inc. Increasing Corporate Market Share Research Paper

Apple Inc. Increasing Corporate Market Share - Research Paper Example This is due to the increasing market competition of its business rivals. Within the global mobile market, Apple has only 1% market share while its computer market enjoys a 5% market share (Cusumano 23). Additionally, the company’s TV features are relatively unpopular. This paper presents a report of an analytical analysis of Apple Inc. with a view of illustrating how the company would achieve a greater corporate market share for its PC and non-PC products and services. The scope of the report will include analysis of the needs of the company’s customers, strategies through which the company will increase corporate market share and its competitiveness. Both Qualitative and Quantitative research methodologies are applied in collection of quantifiable and qualitative data for analysis and interpretation. The collection of data employs secondary research design in which findings for the company investigation are obtained from credible secondary information sources such as p eer reviewed journal articles, online databases and books. Data Analysis and Discussion The needs of Apple Inc.’s customers are quality of products and services. The company’s PC systems are expected to be of superior quality which includes creative and innovative design of hardware architecture and software platforms. Apple Inc. is faced with a challenge of maintaining its core success factors and competencies which include innovativeness, creativity, marketing, brand management and building relationships within the organization and with its customers (Casacchia 59). This scenario illustrates that the needs of the company’s customers are not being met effectively. Furthermore, the needs of the company’s customers include affordable prices for its OC and non-PC products. It has been revealed that Apple Inc. is experiencing difficulty in overcoming business rivals who provide low-priced products to the mobile and computer markets (Fontevecchia 6). The mobi le products from Google for example are posing a threat to the company’s success due to the low prices that the business rival provides for the customers. Additionally, the computer market is characterized by competitive prices from Dell and Microsoft both for hardware and software (Gelles, Chris and Richard 15). These findings demonstrate that Apple Inc. is faced with a challenge of satisfying the product and service cost effectiveness that its customers require. The strategies which Apple Inc. has employed in order to increase the market share for its products include marketing, strategic alliances, customer relations, creativity and innovativeness, provision of variety of products and services and the iPod platform. Within the digital music market, Apple’s iPod has enjoyed 70% of the market share as opposed to its closest competitor which has only 8% of the market share. Nonetheless, the company’s strategy for providing variety of products to its consumers ha s been faced by threats of new entrants to the market and substitutes for its computer and mobile products (Seitz 1). These threats have reduced the value that the customers have for the company. Additionally, the company’s customer base is increasingly becoming more diverse (Mallin and Finkle 52). New entrants in the market have also implemented new strategies and strengths in marketing which are posing new threats to the company’

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Project motorcycles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Project motorcycles - Essay Example This structure is advantageous because there is a clear chain of command, autonomy of departments, quick decision making and sharing of skills. The following model indicates the functional structure that is intended to be applied in the developing of the larger touring class motorcycle. This implies that, a project can be completed by a specific functional group equipped with the necessary skills. The process of developing a larger class touring motorcycle involves two main stages. They include manufacturing and quality control. At the manufacturing department, the necessary materials are assembled to completion and at the quality control department; the quality control inspectors conduct a visual inspection (Cooke, Tate, & Cooke, 2011). The functional groups form reservoirs of knowledge in the areas of specialization. The groups’ efficiency is attributed to well-structured communication processes, which eases decision-making. The process of developing motors larger than 1100cc intended for long distance and a proposed global market target of males aged 35-60 years requires systematic functional units to ensure that, the company does not make losses during the changeover (Cooke, Tate, & Cooke, 2011). The following are the primary raw material essential for the development of a motorcycle. The process of manufacturing should start at the weld department. This process should be aided by the computer-controlled fabrication of frame lofty strength materials (Henshaw, 2012). The components are shaped into hollow tubular metal shells. The diverse sections are jointly welded. The process engrosses manual, automatic and computerized equipment. The plastic and metal components are painted in the booths of the paint department. The process is called powder coating. It is done by a pressurized system, which disperses the paint evenly (Henshaw, 2012). Installation of other parts such as brakes, foot pegs, seats, lights, radios, wheels and many others