Monday, November 18, 2019

A study on the attitudes of Social networking sites in relation to Literature review

A study on the attitudes of Social networking sites in relation to personality types - Literature review Example Some of the most famous social networking sites include Facebook, Orkut, MySpace, Twitter and LinkedIn and these sites allow the people to make their personal profiles free of cost. The basic purpose served by these websites is to facilitate the people to develop their social network and to interact with people however; people join these websites for different reasons. Individuals may have different motives to socialise over the internet. Researchers have found a strong link between social networking site usage and personality types of individuals. They support that individuals who are more open and outgoing are usually more likely to use online social networking sites. The aim of this research is to analyse the attitudes of individuals towards social networking sites in relation to their personality types. This research is really significant to understand whether there is a strong link between social networking sites and personality types or not. This report also analyses the person ality types or traits which appear to be more active in using the online social networking websites. ... Internet and World Wide Web has brought radical changes in our lives by engaging us in communities and designing our own environment. The digital media has provided the consumers new ways to interact with people (Smith, Evans, Batty & Batty, 2002). Social networking is defined as the online community where individuals gather information, develop contacts and interact with other people (Harbaugh, 2010, pp.193). The online social network is become popular among the younger adults to mobilise their network capital through the online websites like Facebook and through these websites they are able to interact with a huge circle of friends and relatives more efficiently and less costly (Gibson et al, 2010). The Web 2.0 technology has spread widely among the people over the last five years and the social networking websites like MySpace and Facebook now attract above than 100 million visitors a month (Chui, Miller & Roberts, 2009). Social networking websites are playing a very important rol e in everyday social interactions and the role of these websites vary across relationships and in some contexts, these websites have supplemented the real-world social networks and in the other context, the existing real-world interactions are mediated by these websites (Evans, Gosling & Carroll, 2008). Early researchers were interested in determining the reasons of success of the online communities. The three kinds of perceived recognition in the online communities include identity, tangible recognition and expertise (Chan, Bhandar & Chan, 2004). However, today researchers are focusing more on personality traits, types and behaviours of the individuals on the online

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